Companies collect information about anything that is important to their business. Think about your own company and identify information that is produced automatically, handled internally and of value to your audience. Then ask yourself the following questions: Is this information available on your website? Does the way the information is presented provide added value to users? Does it target mobile users as well?
We are certain that we can and must do better. Data is a good oppurtunity to reach more people.
Different data sources can be combined to create an interactive webproduct or a large scaled website. But for reasons of performance and interoperability issues most websites don't yet use multiple data sources (i.e. csv-files, additional product info from a google table). However, there is a solution to this problem: Interoperability can be achieved by using a unified data layer, performance can be achieved by pre-generating webpages in a preceding build. This way the website is available to the public without any connections to the source. As a result it is more secure, much faster and seo friendly.
Tailored content management for you webproducts have the advantage to improve the reusability of your content for different use cases: your own website (for example as a preview on another page), for different apps, for your screen in the lobby and much more. Furthermore, it is much easier to manage the content, because you know which elements a certain content item contains. Change it once, change it everywhere.
We at Twteam would love to hear about your projects and product ideas. We are specialized in creating webproducts and websites that are individual for each customer. We are looking forward to hearing from you to evaluate how our technology stack can help your website to reach its full potential.
Denis is a passionate software engineer with many years of experience in web development. He's specialized in programming with React, GraphQL, GatsbyJS and TypeScript. In his articles he writes about working with these technologies and enjoys to share opportunities and challenges with the community.